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Completed Projects

Project Location Year Sponsor
Building capacities for the beneficiary marketing groups from Gegharkunik and Vayots Dzor marzes Gegharkunik , Vayots Dzor 2019 HEKS-EPER
Renovation of the playground of Navur village school, provision of sports inventory Navur, Tavush 2019 Armenian Missionary Association of America, Chene France, Diaconia Charitable Fund, Armenian Caritas
Construction of a dumpsite Ayrum, Tavush 2019 Bread for the World
Renovation and furnishing of Ahnidzor village community center Ahnidzor, Lori 2019 The Yalkezian Foundation
Construction of a dumpsite Vardenis, Gegharkunik 2019 Bread for the World
Planting of 1000 trees in Ayrum village Ayrum, Tavush 2019 Bread for the World
Organization of tree-planting Shaghat, Syunik 2019 Bread for the World
Renovation of the kindergarten, provision of inventory Saratak, Shirak 2019 The Yalkezian Foundation
Development of Inclusive Rural Cooperatives, Improvement of Infrastructure and Capacity Building of CBOs to Support Sustainable Well-off Communities Aragatsotn , Tavush , Lori , Syunik , Gegharkunik , Shirak , Vayots Dzor 2019 Bread for the World, International Fund for Agricultural Development, The Yalkezian Foundation, Chene France
Renovation of the kindergarten yard and renovation of the community center Dzithankov, Shirak 2019 The Yalkezian Foundation
Reconstruction of the water catchment of Shaghat village irrigation network Shaghat, Syunik 2019 Bread for the World
Integrated development Program of Navur village of Tavush marz Navur, Tavush 2019 Armenian Missionary Association of America, Armenian Caritas
Construction of a tourist trail connecting the villages of Gosh and Khachardzan Gosh, Khachardzan, Tavush 2018 The Yalkezian Foundation
Provision of rotary cultivator and sprayers to “Sahmanapah” Consumer Cooperative Koti, , Voskevan, , Baghanis, Tavush 2018 Audemars Piguet Foundation
Expansion of Organic Fruit Production Through Upgrading the Organic Orchard Management and Streamlining Horticulturist Farmers into Organic Agriculture Cooperative 12 rural communities, Armavir , Aragatsotn 2018 European Union, Austrian Development Agency
Integrated Support for Sustainable Economic Development in Rural Mountainous Areas of Armenia 6 communities, Gegharkunik , Syunik 2018 The Yalkezian Foundation
Renovation and furnishing of kindergarten and sports ground Ttujur, Gegharkunik 2018 The Yalkezian Foundation
Theoretical and practical trainings for marketing groups of Gegharkunik and Vayots Dzor Marzes Gegharkunik , Vayots Dzor 2018 HEKS-EPER
Renovation of the sports ground of school Martuni, Gegharkunik 2018 Chene France
Provision of sewing machines and boilers for distribution to the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Resettlement of the Republic of Artsakh Republic of Artsakh, 2018 Hrach Mardikian

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