Capacity enhancement of vocational training center for organic agriculture
Access to modern agricultural machinery, as well as knowledge and skills on modern agricultural methods will help rural population to cultivate quality harvest. Master students will get practical skills on organic cultivation.
The training center of organic fruit and grape production will be well equipped and will have real chances to succeed in dissemination of modern cultivation techniques in organic. The Organic Fruit Producers’ Cooperative members will be able to produce larger volumes of high quality harvest. This success will become a proper example for such initiatives in the future. Another result of the project will be that the farmers and students will obtain knowledge and practical skills on management of organic orchards, modern methods and techniques in agriculture, as well as the exploitation of new machinery.
Direct beneficiaries of trainings provided by the Center will be:
- 350 farmers of Armavir marz beneficiary communities
- 15 members of Organic Fruit Producers’ Cooperative
- 50 students of ANAU
The farmers will have an opportunity to cultivate more lands and on the other hand more farmers will be interested to join the organic cooperative.