Renovation and furnishing of Debet kindergarten
The renovation and partial furnishing of Debet kindergarten will make possible the attendance of all the preschool age the children.
Debet settlement of Pambak consolidated community of Lori Marz has 920 inhabitants, including 10 families forcibly displaced from Artsakh. The 34 children attend the local kindergarten, 6 of them are from Artsakh. Another 6 children of preschool age are waiting for their turn to attend kindergarten.
For the expansion of the kindergarten, it is necessary to carry out repair and partial furnishing. A centralized heating system must be built, the sewage system, the power supply system, as well as separate area for the kitchen and a room for children's personal items need renovation. It is also necessary to purchase 10 bunk beds with bedding, as a result of which the maximum use of the bedroom area will be ensured.
The Pambak consolidated community is ready to have its contribution of 25% in the activities described above.