
Drinking water to Norakert

Social development
Norakert, Gegharkunik

As a result of the repair of the catchment, 258 households of Norakert will be provided with the necessary amount and clean drinking water.

15000 EUR

Norakert settlement of Vardenis enlarged community is about 7-8 km northwest of Vardenis city, about 4 km from the eastern shore of Lake Sevan. The village was founded in 1927, the founders were the Armenians who emigrated in 1915 from Segh village, Khizan province, Bitlisi vilayet.

Norakert settlement has 866 inhabitants, 258 households. Among many economic and social problems in the village, the problem of the vital importance of drinking water is paramount. The water intake serving Norakert settlement is located in Akunk village, it was built in 1981 and has never been repaired. At the moment, the catchment is in a bad condition, the outer walls are damaged, the covers are missing, the fence is missing, the pipes are corroded, the door valve is broken, the sanitary and hygienic conditions are not provided.

In these conditions, harmful substances from the external environment penetrate into the water supply, which is first of all dangerous for the health of the residents, and also there is a loss of drinking water from the decayed walls. As a result of the repair of the catchment, the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions for domestic use of water will be ensured, water will be saved, which will increase the volume of supplied water.


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