From Farm to Market
A documentary video has been produced on the results of "Horticulture Market Development Project" in Gegharkunik and Vayots Dzor marzes. The establishment of cold-storage units
Open tender announcement - procurement of a car
Shen NGO is about to purchase a car for its programmatic purpose by the 15 th of January 2020. Below are the main mandatory characteristics
Opening of kindergarten in Dzithanqov village
On December 18, 2019 the opening ceremony of kindergarten in Dzithanqov village of Shirak marz took place. The village had never had a kindergarten before
Training for beneficiary farmers of Dzithanqov village
December 4 , 2019, a training was held for beneficiary farmers in the village of Dzithanqov, Shirak marz. The topics of the session were "Main
Annual meeting with marketing groups from Gegharkunik Marz
28 November 2019, a nnual m eeting with marketing groups and grantees from Gegharkunik Marz took place in Vardenis region. 20 beneficiaries from Gegharkunik region
«One village» project results in Navur
A consortium of A rmenian Missionary Association of America, Shen NGO, Children of Armenian Fund (COAF), Development Principles NGO, Fund for Armenian Relief, World Vision