Asparagus seedlings to Darbas Marketing Group

Asparagus Seedlings to Darbas Marketing Group

Asparagus seedlings to Darbas Marketing Group

In 2024, a marketing group was established in the Darbas settlement of Sisian consolidated community of Syunik marz within the framework of the "The establishment and strengthening of agricultural cooperatives with the use of improved legislation and modern technologies" project funded by the German Bread for the World organization. 

Asparagus seedlings to Darbas Marketing Group

The marketing group consists of five people. The members of the group have different professions, but now they are also engaged in agriculture. The head of the group, Robert Khachatryan, is an agriculturist. 

Asparagus seedlings to Darbas Marketing Group

Each participant of the Darbas marketing group provided 400 m² of their own land, a total of 1000 m², for the purpose of planting. As a result of the agricultural trainings conducted by the agriculturists of "Shen" charity NGO, as well as discussions and assessment of the group's capabilities, it was decided to plant asparagus seedlings in that area.

Asparagus seedlings to Darbas Marketing Group

We provided group members with 6,200 three-year-old asparagus seedlings for planting. The members of the group also contributed to the purchase of seedlings. Acquiring three-year-old seedlings was important because asparagus produces a crop in the fourth year, and in this case the members of the group will get a crop already the following year. And in the case of proper cultivation and maintenance, after two years they will get enough harvest that they will be able to sell it. 

Our agronomists are in regular contact with the group and convey the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge on the cultivation and care of asparagus. The ultimate goal of the marketing group is the expansion of asparagus planting areas and the organization of joint sales.



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