Ambassador of France in Jrarat

The "French" summer of Jrarat children

Jrarat Dance hall before

In March 2024, launched the renovation and furnishing project of the dance hall in the administrative center in Jrarat village of Akhuryan consolidated community of Shirak marz. The project is financed and implemented by "AYO" and “Shen” NGO, as well as co-financed by the Akhuryan consolidated community. Thanks to the project worth AMD 6,829,840, the community hall in a very poor condition, which decades ago served as a dance hall of the village dance group, today will again be used for that purpose.

AYO volunteers in Jrarat

Within the framework of the project, about twenty French volunteers of “AYO” were hosted in the village of Jrarat, in the houses of the villagers, from August 4-23. During this period, along with the repair work of the dance hall, the volunteers organized a summer camp with various educational, sports and cultural activities for the 6-15-year-old children of the village. The children of Jrarat happily participated in the French language classes, Sports games, cultural events, handicraft classes, etc.

H.E. in Jrarat Dance Hall

On August 22, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Armenia, H.E. Olivier Decottignies visited Jrarat to get acquainted with the works and the daily life of the summer camp. Hayk Minasyan, the chairman of the board of “Shen” NGO, Satenik Patvakan Tufanyan, representative of "Chene - France", as well as representatives of "AYO", Shirak governor's office and Akhuryan community also joined His Excellency during the visit to Jrarat. 

The joint round dance of Armenian and French youths to Armenian tunes in Jrarat was the best example of unifying efforts and contributing to the development of the village.



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