Training-consultation in Gulagarak and Bazum

In August, in Gyulagarak and Bazum, Lori Marz, we carried out a theoretical training-consultation on "Diseases of agricultural crops and modern chemical means of pest control and their application features" within the framework of "The establishment and strengthening of agricultural cooperatives with the use of improved legislation and modern technologies" project financed by the German "Bread for the World" organization. In Gyulagarak we conducted the training for the members of the "Hatik" agricultural cooperative, and in Bazum - for the marketing group of farmers formed this year.

The members of the "Hatik" agricultural cooperative are engaged in large-scale seed breeding of grain crops, row crops, potatoes and food production. Meanwhile, in Bazum, after "Shen" NGO renovated the irrigation system and provided 24-hour irrigation for the households of the entire village, and back in May the farmers were also provided with seeds and seedlings of eggplant, pepper, okra, bean and cucumber, the harvest of which are already being sold.

In both settlements, "Shen" NGO agriculturist presented to the participants of the training the modern means of combating harmful organisms and the features of their use. Especially in Bazum, farmers had many questions regarding pests and diseases during cultivation, to which our specialists gave comprehensive answers.
At the end of the training-consultation, all participants were distributed information leaflets developed by "Shen" NGO specialists regarding topic of the training, as well as other agricultural issues.