Construction of cold storage and drip irrigation demonstration system for “Organic fruit producers” Consumer Cooperative |
Shenik, Armavir
2018 |
International Fund for Agricultural Development |
Provision of drying facility and construction of fruit cold storage for “Ayrum Social Development” Fund |
Ayrum, Lori
2018 |
International Fund for Agricultural Development |
Eye glasses for Armenia Project |
2018 |
Reconstruction of drinking water network |
Tatul, Aragatsotn
2018 |
The Yalkezian Foundation |
Construction of fruit cold storage for “Berdavan” consumer cooperative |
Berdavan, Tavush
2018 |
International Fund for Agricultural Development |
Summer camp for children from families in need |
Yeghnajur, Shirak
2018 |
Bread for the World, Chene France |
Construction of cold storage and drip irrigation demonstration system for “Organic fruit producers” Consumer Cooperative in Shenik village, Armavir Marz |
Shenik, Armavir
2018 |
International Fund for Agricultural Development |
Provision of 1000 trees |
Kakavadzor, Aragatsotn
2018 |
The Yalkezian Foundation |
Reconstruction of drinking water network |
Tatul, Aragatsotn
2018 |
The Yalkezian Foundation |
Reconstruction of Kindergarden |
Saratak, Shirak
2018 |
Reconstruction of drinking water network |
Tatul, Aragatsotn
2018 |
The Yalkezian Foundation |
Reconstruction of drinking water network |
Dprabak, Gegharkunik
2018 |
The Yalkezian Foundation |
Construction of a tourist trail connecting the villages of Gosh and Khachardzan |
Gosh, Khachardzan, Tavush
2018 |
The Yalkezian Foundation |
Provision of rotary cultivator and sprayers to “Sahmanapah” Consumer Cooperative |
Baghanis, Tavush
2018 |
Audemars Piguet Foundation |
Expansion of Organic Fruit Production Through Upgrading the Organic Orchard Management and Streamlining Horticulturist Farmers into Organic Agriculture Cooperative |
12 rural communities, Armavir
2018 |
European Union, Austrian Development Agency |
Hiking Trail: Goshavank-Gosh lake, Chermakavank-Khachardzan |
Gosh, Khachardzan, Tavush
2017 |
The Yalkezian Foundation |
Reconstruction of medical aid station |
Shaghat, Syunik
2017 |
The Yalkezian Foundation |
Promoting Inclusive Horticultural Value Chains in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Moldova |
7 marzes of Armenia,
2017 |
Rehabilitation of Lernavan village irrigation water internal network |
Lernavan, Lori
2017 |
The Yalkezian Foundation |
Integrated Support for Sustainable Economic Development in Rural Mountainous Areas of Armenia |
6 communities, Gegharkunik
2017 |