Shenavan Dance hall

Monitoring visit to Shenavan

On March 10, we carried out a monitoring visit to Shenavan to evaluate the work of the programs implemented in cooperation with "AYO" (Armenian Youth Organisation) in 2021-2022. We completely renovated the village kindergarten and built a dance hall and a gym during the mentioned period.

Shenavan Dance hall

The monitoring results were satisfying, as all three programs were actively operating. Notably, despite the cold weather when children are often lazy to visit additional courses, active classes were held in the dance hall and gym. This is because both facilities are appropriately furnished, heated, and the children do not experience any discomfort.

Admission to the dance course starts at the age of three. It takes place in two stages: gymnastics and dance. Sambo classes are held in the gym. The coach is Mkhitar Mkhitaryan, the leader of the Shenavan settlement and also the Master of International Sports.

Gym Shenavan

Sambo lessons are intense and energetic. In February 2023, the boys who showed the best results already participated in the friendly Sambo championship in Yerevan. This event has inspired them to prepare for the upcoming championships with greater enthusiasm. Some of them dream of having such success as their coach, who became the champion of Armenia in 2023.

Children attend both dance and sambo with great enthusiasm. And the role of the gym is huge because, after the sambo classes, the community's young people go to train there.

As a result of monitoring, we were happy to report that the programs we implemented have become a part of Shenavan's daily life and fully serve their purpose.



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