News_Bazum Vitamin

The visit of "Bazum-Vitamin" agricultural cooperative to cold stores

Bazum Vitamin Exchange Visit

On August 30, 2024, within the framework of "The establishment and strengthening of agricultural cooperatives with the use of improved legislation and modern technologies" project implemented with the financial support of the German "Bread for the World" organization, we organized an exchange visit for the members of the newly established "Bazum-Vitamin" agricultural cooperative of Bazum settlement of Pambak consolidated community, Lori marz. The visit was organized for the purpose of experience exchange to the cold storages of Kajik and Avetik Davtians located in Arevik settlement of Metsamor consolidated community, Armavir marz.

Bazum Vitamin Exchange Visit

The members of the "Bazum-Vitamin" agricultural cooperative are engaged in the production of fruits and vegetables in their farms, at the same time they make purchases of fruits and vegetables from fellow villagers and supply them to the processors․ Thus, during the exchange visit, the specialists of the cold storages shared their experience about the agricultural products, the organization of procurement, the short-term storage and the process of provision to the processors. The members of the cooperative visited in the cold storage rooms of the above-mentioned two cold storages, saw the quantities of fruit and grapes sorted and packed for export, got acquainted with the process of organizing the cold storage works.

At the end of the exchange visit, we provided all participants with the booklet "Cold storage of fruits and vegetable" developed by "Shen" NGO specialists.



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