Training-consultation in Gulagarak and Bazum
In Gyulagarak and Bazum we carried out a training on "Diseases of agricultural crops...

The "French" summer of Jrarat children
On August 22, H.E. Olivier Decottignies, the Ambassador of France to Armenia visited Jrarat...

Irrigation aqueduct in Tsovak
Tsovak settlement of Vardenis enlarged community of Gegharkunik marz has 2718 inhabitants...

Opening Phase of FORACCA in Lernavan
As part of the Opening Phase of the new SDC-funded “Forest Restoration and Climate Change in Armenia” (FORACCA) project, a Swiss delegation...

Visit of Shenavan and Lernavan Agroforestry Team to Austria
Exactly one month after their return from the study visit to Austria the group of young farmers from Shenavan and Lernavan

Asparagus Seedlings to Darbas Marketing Group
In 2024, a marketing group was established in the Darbas settlement of Sisian consolidated community...